Photo by Rachel Bradley

Gayle Lemke

Gayle grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and moved to NYC in 1990. She is a mother of two, writer, prenatal yoga teacher, doula and enthusiastic childbirth educator and advocate. For twenty years she has served mothers, partners and babies as both a labor support doula and postpartum guide.

In 2005 she created Shakti Ma in Maplewood NJ, where she directed the pre and postnatal yoga and childbirth education programs. She is a graduate of Integral Yoga Institute and received her advanced pregnancy yoga certification from Gurmukh at Golden Bridge, NYC. She completed additional training with Jennifer Petit of Vira Yoga and with Krissy Shields of Maha Mama, and her advanced doula training with Debra Pascali-Bonaro. She is also a certified lactation consultant.

Initiated into yoga while pregnant with her first child, she is committed to continual exploration and evolution in her own practice, and both her teaching craft and her personal practice are fortified by the light of many amazing teachers and students on her path. Now rooted with her family once again in Brooklyn, She is especially grateful for the sustained inspiration from the loving, inclusive communities of Kula Yoga Project and Prema Yoga.