Roll & Restore

with Eduardo Martinez

Legs & Feet Session

Sunday May 4
3:00pm to 5:00pm

$ 60.00

Your legs and feet connect you to the planet; you use them for balance and movement when standing,walking, running and dancing. The muscles and energy of your legs and feet are encapsulated in fascia compartments, and when this fascia is overly tight or injured, it can restrict circulation, movement and it can cause pain.  In this special legs and feet edition of Roll+Restore you will learn healing exercises that involve therapeutic yoga postures and self-massaging tight fascia with rubber balls to invite more awareness, circulation and balance into your legs, ankles and feet. You can incorporate these healing techniques in your fitness routine to help you develop better balance, better alignment, and to improve your mobility.   

Roll+Restore combines Eduardo’s twenty-plus years of practice in wellness, yoga and engineering to access your body in new ways.  The workshop is part of his self-healing methodology Form+Space:Awareness, a holistic approach to understanding the connection between your body, mind and spirit.  Students who have attended these workshops leave feeling empowered to access deep understanding of their physical, mental and emotional state. They leave feeling “connected,” “brighter,” “relaxed” and “younger” 

About the teacher

Eduardo Martinez-Diaz, B.Ch.E., E-RYT 500, YHC, is a dedicated yoga teacher in NYC.  Through 20+ years of dedicated study and playful practice, he has gained the ability to distill and interpret yoga philosophy and techniques.  He currently offers health and wellness direction via lifestyle and health coaching programs.  You can learn more about him via