Newborn Care

with Johanna Boot

Johanna Boot is a  DONA-certified postpartum doula and a certified lactation counselor (CLC). For the last 15 years, Johanna has been working with new moms (and their families) in New York City and surroundings.
While on the job with these new parents, it was often heard that nobody prepared them for the postpartum days. The focus always seems to be on the mom and baby until birth, and then they are on their own. No practical guidelines, no useful tips, no hands on help.
Where Johanna comes from in the Netherlands, there is still a high percentage of home births. But whether a baby is born in a hospital or at home, a licensed care giver is always sent to the house, practical help for the family to adjust to their new reality.
With this class, Johanna will share some helpful tools.  give you real inside information about what to expect and the reassurance that we are all well equipped to deal.
People have had babies for millions of years, we just have never done it alone. We all need helping hands to settle in and adapt to our new roles.

Sunday June 29

