Miles Borrero

Meet Miles Borrero, yoga teacher, Master of the Fine Arts, skateboarder, horseback rider, former-actor, ex-rocker, harmonium hugger and lover, shape-shifter and peaceful warrior. Born in Sao Paolo, Brazil and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Miles is currently based in NYC and can be found teaching regular classes at Pure Yoga and The Bhakti Center. Coming from a classical yoga background, Miles embraces its rigor—maintaining all of the traditional elements of a yoga practice, yet with the essence of a jazz musician. His yoga is pulled apart and reconstructed, then twisted around and flipped on its head for an artful, enlivened experience. Through his own devoted practice, Miles has probably spent more time on his hands in the last few years than he has on his feet, allowing him to instruct a vinyasa flow filled with arm balances and inversions from a learned place. Through his studies in Feldenkrais, Middendorf, the Alexander Technique, Thai Massage and other healing arts he has finessed what it means to sense through your hands.